
Learn more about me

Filmmaker, Script Supervisor & Photographer

  • Age: 25
  • Country: Romania/United Kingdom
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Email: bpogonaru@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available

Freshly graduated from the University of Central Lancashire after a Film Production degree, Bogdan Pogonaru likes to bring his creative ideas to life no matter if those are transposed in films or photos. As being a creative mind he is not involved just in film but he is also involved in photography, fashion design, music industry and writing.

One of his major roles that he was involved in during his years at university was Script Supervisor due to his attention to details in every project that he is involved in and trying to bring everything to perfection. He already contributed to a few short films as a Scrip Supervisor and even in a feature film. Besides film work he is also involved in photography, always trying to find an opportunity for a quality picture to create it doesn’t matter if he has his camera with him or his iPhone he will always analyse the surroundings to find a good looking spot for a photo. He manages an Instagram account with all his work that can be found @fridayissue.


Filmmaking 100%
Creativity 100%
Communication 100%
Attention to details 100%
Premier Pro 90%
Photoshop 70%





Fashion design






Bachelor (Hons) & Film Production

2017 - 2021

University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Learned how to create a film from 0 in every major role from producer, director, editor to art director, script supervisor and sound designer.

Data Entry, Validation and Processing Operator (S1)

2015 (2 weeks course)

FEG "Education"

Learned basic knowledge in data entry and Microsoft Office.


Computer Science certificate


National College "Iancu de Hunedoara"

Learned achieving the design and structure of the software products necessary for the implementation of systems customization, configuration and modification of software applications in order to adapt systems.


Film portfolio


  • All
  • Director
  • Script Supervisor
  • Editor

Life is random

-Short film-

Normal behavior

-Short film-

Last orders

-Short film-

The Lazy Queen


The Hanged

-Feature Film-

Memories keep us alive



Another domain that Bogdan explored is photography. Below can be found some examples of his work approached in different styles from portraits to abstract photography and even landscapes.
Bogdan manages an Instagram account called @fridayissue where he posts more of his fresh work every Friday.

  • All
  • Abstract Photography
  • Street Photography
  • Portraits
  • Minimalist Photography
  • Landscapes
  • Still Life Photography


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